hello, i captured a stock trading software which i download daily stock data from the app. Does this daily data download get stored in the app's virtual environment?
my goal is to store it in a Mega.nz folder (cloud storage service) on both my laptop and desktop. If i change settings or download new dta from laptop i would like that data and settings available on my desktop
is this how cameyo works? since i am storing the captured app on a could service and have access to it on both my desktop & laptop its the same app... my question is does any data download get stored within my apps folder?
thanks for any insight on updating my app with new data daily and seeing that data on another computer
After captured and packed apps become standalone. If you use same apps in different computers it's will only save and keep what you download in each computer. If you want to save and keep data for both laptop and pc, you need to use cameyo cloud service.