I am new to Cameyo. I have downloaded version Cameyo 3.1.1446.
I use a VMWare clean installation of Win 7 32 Bit. Then I have launched Cameyo and started to create a package. After waitung for finishing the prescan I have installed and launched Firefox. After Postscan the Package is created successfully.
When I start the app on the VM nothing happens. When I start the App on a real Win 7 system a popup in the right bottom appears with "preloading package" text.
But also here nothing happens. Firefox doesn't start.
Some Cameyo browser packages are iffy, e.g. one version of the browser might not work and then the next version of the same browser packaged in the same way by Cameyo does work. You experienced a package working on one version of Windows but not on others.
The people at PortableApps.com do good consistent work with portable browsers.