First, I assume that when you edited your script from
FSO.CopyFile "tips.ini", "C:\GTFOH\"
FSO.CopyFile "tips.ini", "C:\GTFOH\tips.ini"
you did the same for FSO.CopyFile "mytips.jpg", "C:\GTFOH\mytips.jpg"
If so, let's try without virtualization. Copy %AppData%\Roaming\VOS\tips\PROG\%Scripts%\OnStartVirtualized.wait.vbs to the directory containing your Cameyo package and the unique tips.ini. I think that's your shared folder. Not the package's repository.
I've been pouring over the settings and trying different approaches to the build.
This app is used in a multi-client/server model.
The Vapp and the two copied support files reside in a shared folder on the server and executed from that location.
Being that the application could be ran from multiple clients at the same time it would be best to keep the VOS and extracted support files on the client side.
I've confirmed read/write and NTFS access to the share data.
It looks as if you didn't copy the script to the shared folder that contains the two files, tips.ini and mytips.jpg. We are doing this strictly for troubleshooting purposes. Please run the script unvirtualized from the shared folder.
1. If you are able to distribute your package with the correct INI and JPG, then there is no need to use the script to copy them, so you should make them part of the package and delete %Scripts%.
2. If the INI and JPG are prone to change and it is impractical to make them part of the package, you should delete them from the package.
3. If you can write to the user's real filesystem, your original script should work, but it must be changed to run unvirtualized instead of virtualized. You may need to add a line to check if C:\GTFOH exists, e.g. If Not FSO.FolderExists("C:\GTFOH\") Then FSO.CreateFolder("C:\GTFOH").
4. Use Cameyo.exe -AddScript copy.vbs OnStartUnvirtualized wait tips.cameyo.exe to run the script unvirtualized. Be sure to delete OnStartVirtualized.wait.vbs from %Scripts% so that you have only one script copying your files. You can add an OnStopUnvirtualized script to delete the files from the user's computer once the program is quit if necessary.
5. If you do not want to write to the user's real filesystem, please provide a link so I can download your package and try to figure out why the original script is not working for the end user. You can send the link by PM if you prefer.