Hello Cameyo team, first off thankyou for you your continued
supply of an excellent service (that is very useful indeed)
However, recently you seem to have been messing with your
web page interface that i visit to open my Cameyo apps
and launch them through the browser.
You seem to have done several changed to this interface in
the last 3 weeks and sadly these changes have completely
broken the CAMEYO HTML browser service on some browsers.
How much testing did you do after you had changed your web
page interface to some fancy graphics?.....it seems you have
not don much testing.
While i realize that there are thousands of HTML 5 web browsers and that you can only support a few.....which browsers do you actually supprt?
Chrome? FF, and Opera?.......3 out of thousands
WHatever the case your recent fancy graphics updates
to your interface web page have completely broken
the cameyo web service on "OTTER" browser which
is a "Qt" engined browser.
(It worked pefectly 3 weeks ago, Does not work now.)
Otter is a very good browser on old hardware.
Do you support "Qt" styled browsers?
PLease can you consider providing a web link PATH
back to your earlier cameyo web interface (the interace
from before you messed around with fancy graphics
in the last 3 weeks)
Thankyou again
Jeff Savage ~ BetaLeaf https://betaleaf.net/