This app, BrainWizardPhd, uses the default browser for its UI. Basically, it contains a specialized web server, and it launches the browser and gives it the URL http://localhost:90/?QuizMgr. The app listens to port 90 and serves the pages and files that that the browser asks for via HTTP POST. The file requests include *.jpg, *.mp3, and *.mp4. The Play version is having a problem using the mp3 and mp4 files it gets back. The *.jpg files work OK. The Play version gets connected to IE 10, which should support HTML5. But it is not. The Download version works OK. What do I need to do to get the online Play version to work right? Click the Load BIP button and then load the SightWords quiz to see what I mean. The video on page 1 will not play and the audios on page 2 will not play either. The app works fine on an old XP machine w/ IE 8.