Hi everybody, I'm new in virtualization and I need some advice for a task I'm trying to solve.
I'm trying to virtualize an application running updates against an SQL Server. The application will only work properly if in the control panel/regional settings I set the point as decimal separator and comma as thousands separator. These changes negatively affect other programs and that is why I'm trying to virtualize the program.
In the package editor I import a .reg file with this content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International]
I generated the package testing the different options in the isolation section, but the app doesn't gets that registry settings, it shows comma as decimal separator and dot as thousands separator. I tested it again with a simple program written in visual basic 6:
sub main
dim n as double
msgbox n
end sub
it always shows 3,2 and I need 3.2.
Is there any way that te virtualized app uses its 'own' regional settings? Is this possible with Cameyo