Hi, I've got a package that I've created and I'd like to show to management, so I can recommend Cameyo. But whenever I test the package it seems to only extract part of the application.
I'd be glad to send a zip file with the package and all logs, but I need an email to send to for wetransfer.com.
Error.png was not included with the files. Is this the error message you receive when running prowc.exe with your parameters: "msgOpen: unable to open message file: PROMSGS"?
Thanks for the -ExtractAll Option, at least the files exist now.
Still getting same error though. I'm going to try to package a simpler example and see if I get similar errors.
I'll let you know tomorrow
May I have screenshots for the three tests on your system? On a clean VM of Win7 SP1 x86, I get the same results for MyTest1 and MyTest2, which differ from MyTest3.
Thanks for the screenshots. They match mine. As I said in my PM, if I change the starting directory, the first two tests match the third instead of failing.