First of all, i'm very new to this application, and sorry for my bad English.
I'm trying to create a portable version of the "MusicBrainz Picard" application to use it in multiple computers with the same configuration.
I've done the package with the Web UI, and tried to change the configuration with the "Package Editor", but i can't find a solution for the registry keys to be stored in my DropBox.
In the "Registry" tab, i've put everything in "Strictly Isolated", in "Advanced" i've tried "No Cleanup", "Leave no registry", uncheck "Volatile registry"...
But whatever i do, the registry key in the host is always written by the application (HKCU_SOFTWARE_MusicBrainz).
Are the keys being added to the host system keys not included in the virtual app. What I mean by this is if you have a key at HKCU/Software/MYSOFTWARE1 and your program tries to write to HKCU/Software/MYSOFTWARE2 then HKCU/Software/MYSOFTWARE2 will not get virtualized like HKCU/Software/MYSOFTWARE1 does. You need to include all keys. When you run into this issue when package applications, before taking the post-install snapshot run them and change as many settings as possible. This way any settings stored in registry keys/files are properly detected and virtualized.
Instead of packaging my own "ImgBurn", I used the one from the public app repository.
You were right, in this package, the registy keys are now in "HKCU/Software/VOS/ImgBurn", and no more "HKCU/Software/ImgBurn".
But !
The problem remains. If I change some configuration (let's say "Font name"), I see the key "GENERAL_FontName" updated in "HKCU/Software/VOS/ImgBurn".
But it's still in my host registry.
How do I repackage this for my other computers ?
I've tried "D:\Cameo\ImgBurn.cameyo.exe -Repackage", but the "new" package seems to be the same (no size change).
Depends. You should package it on the oldest operating system you plan to run this Virtual App on. If you plan to run it on XP then package it on XP. This is for compatibility reasons.