Good day toall. Not having agood commandof the English language, I writefrom northern Italy,post thequestionthrough a translator, be patient, thank you.
The programthat I have tovirtualizeconsists of twoseparate programs, the main programand the programfor the upgradeof the main program.
Installingthe "normal"program mentioned above, once installedthe main programI install theupdate program,this lastgoes tosettle in thesame folder as themain program, the iconsare two, oneon themain program, the othertheupdate program.
When I runthevirtualizationCameyoallows me todo soonlywithaprogram at a time,sothe two programsremain distinct. But whenI want to doan upgrade, theupgradedoes not see themainprogam,preciselybecausethey arein twodifferent folders,in fact they aretwo separate programs.
The question ishow tovirtualizethe two programstogether?
When using your program from a traditional install, would you launch it by clicking the upgrade program shortcut, or do you have to launch both the original program and then the upgrade program in sequence? I am referring to after both have already been installed.
Hello,Mule. When I usethe program with thetraditionalinstallationsequenceis this:beforeIstart themain program,then, ifthis is the case,theupdate program, it all dependsifthere is an update.
Hmm, it should work the same way with the Cameyo package if I understand correctly. I don't know why the package has the program in one folder and the upgrade program in another. How did you build the package?
1. Did you start with a clean virtual machine? What OS, service packs, and architecture, e.g. XP SP3 x86?
2. Did you install both the regular program and the update program before Taking post-installation snapshot?
3. What OS, service packs, and architecture is the target machine, e.g. Win7 SP1 x64?
The packagecomesas well,with twoseparatedownloads. 1 Thismachineis clean, Windows 7Home Premium64-BITSP1, Internet Explorer11. 2I launchedCameyo,then I installedthemain program,but at the endof the first installation, if youlaunchthe second program,Cameyonotvirtualizes, I have tostart overwithanotherinstallation, justbecome two. And'I mightnot beable to handleCameyo, thereforeI ask you toemail methe exact procedurestep by stephow tovirtualizeprogramswithCameyo. 3The target machineis the sameone I describein step one, aftercuttingthevirtualizedprogramandpasteiton aUSB HDD,soI have aportable program.
1. On a clean virtual machine, run Cameyo and click Capture an Installation 2. Wait for Cameyo to Take initial system snapshot before installation 3. When Cameyo directs you to Install the software you wish to package, install program 4. Install program update 5. Click Install done 6. If you want to change default location of sandbox from %AppData% to your external HDD, Edit package and Change Data storage to Under the executable's directory. If it's a flash drive (SSD), you do not have to make this change because the default settings will automatically recognize the package is being run from a flash drive and store the sandbox on it.
Of courseI readthe guides. I asked youastep by step guide,to controlthe way you do,and see whereImay bemistaken. Everythingok,I runthe operationsasyou do, butalwayserror. But I foundthe solution,justwhen you are finishedinstallingthesoftware,click Installdonebefore, you have tolaunch the programsloaded soCameyovirtualizzieverything right,in fact,now everythingworks perfectly. There remainsonly one event,when I connectHDDUSBon anotherPC,the update programruns, the main programnot,and goes outthewindowthatI am attaching.
Many thanks again foryourpatienceand kindness,hello.
It is not myintentionto confuse,but out of curiosityI lookedalsoin the PC1 andPC2,if there is afilenamed. On1 pcsexistsC:\ Windows \SysWOW64. There is no2on the PC. Is not it strange?
It makes complete sense that the first PC, where the package works, has borlndmm.dll in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and the second PC, where the package gives an error, does not.
Are you positive the package was created on a machine that never had your program installed? Maybe the program was installed, uninstalled, and then the package was created by taking a snapshot, installing the program again...?
I did not understandthesecond part of youranswer, I try toanswer you. Indeed,on thesecond PChas never beeninstalled the program. In practiceI have toinstall it on2 pc,then uninstall itsothat it createsthe missing file? Ordo I copythe missing filefrom PC1andPC2pasteon? ---------------------------------------
Consideration of thesituation, butthevirtualizedprogramshould notwork on allcomputers,regardless of whetherornot ithas been previouslyinstalledthe original program?
As you may havefigured outthe programmingI understanda little, but they aretenacious. I did this:I copied thefilefrom 1 computerborlndmm.dlland Ipasted into the programvirtualizedin the% System% folder. I tried tolaunch thevirtualizedon pc2and everything works. Thanks to youradviceeverything is solvedperfectly.
To thankyouwe will makethe discount on thegoalsthat we will doto yournational football team,instead of 4you'llonlydo3happy? :)
Fixed a problem arises immediately another, I am referring to the archives.
This program expects to load the data stores of the previous year, to be able to reprocess with current news, of course, these files are in a backup file. Every year there is a new version of the program, so the first time you use it, and only for the first time, you have to upload the files of the previous year. It activates the "upload files" you select the previously saved backup file and load it. Without this operation, the program is complete, but only if you use it on the computer where you made this operation.
To try to explain myself better, I go back to the pc pc1 and 2.
If you launch the program from the PC 1 virtualized and load the files, then find them forever, that every time I launch the program from 1 computer archives I find them already loaded.
Instead, if I launch the program from the PC 2, the archives are not there, I have to reload, even once, but I have to load them, so if I used the program on a pc 3 I do the same operation.
This suggests to me that the program writes the archive data on your PC, do not you think? This also means that the program leaves traces on your PC if you use.
Question: Is it possible to make sure that the files remain in the program virtualized instead of always having to recharge? And 'possible to make sure that the program does not leave traces on the PC used?
It sounds as if you are using your program on multiple computers and would like any changing data to be reflected on whatever computer you run it. If this is incorrect, please let me know.
Each Cameyo package has a sandbox. The sandbox is the package's Data storage, the location it deploys files. The default location is %AppData%, but if you execute the package from a flash drive or Dropbox folder, the default location is the flash drive or Dropbox folder.
If you would like to carry the sandbox with you and you're running your package from an external hard drive (HDD instead of SSD), then you can edit the package's Data storage from the default location to Under the executable's directory. Use Package Editor for this, and you can refer to the link I posted earlier, Editing a Virtual Package. In addition to changing the Data storage, you may also want to check the Leave no registry traces under the Advanced tab.
Another option is to use the -Repackage parameter after quitting your package for the day if you would like to have only the package and not need the sandbox, i.e. the changes in the sandbox will be written to a new package. Documentation here. Once you're satisfied with the new package, you can use the -Remove parameter to delete the sandbox.
It seems that withthis program, "Cameyo"youcando many things,butthe fact isthat I amnotcapable,for soI needa little'time to understandand put into practicewhat yousuggest me. NowI start work, I hopein a short timeto succeed andmakea report,hello.
Too complicated. I have to maketoo many actionsto be able tounderstand everything,my Englishschoolmany years ago,does not help me, much less thetranslator,so oftenI get lostonthe definitionsdo not understand. But if youdo thisyou make it,then I look atwhatI've done andfor sureI understand. Of course,I ask youwith no obligations, you do itonlyifyou have the time,desireand so on. Can I useDropboxto send youthe file,I always sayif you agree.