Hi, I uploaded to VirusTotal and the result is 0/46, https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/256c014f01140030c10101534607800590da95982440ce8c1709cc3541cc3391/analysis/ ,which means there is 99% chance it is not a virus. So, try using this: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/hash_my_files.html (other software also works, if you have one) to check the hash code. My Cameyo beta version is 2.5.1060beta, with a MD5 code e7164a90fd2aaa97a1fd02bc298bd937 and SHA1 code a7f7a333115065bbd5d614c249efc15be16673b4. Are they same as those of you?
Hi, I uploaded to VirusTotal and the result is 0/46, https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/256c014f01140030c10101534607800590da95982440ce8c1709cc3541cc3391/analysis/ ,which means there is 99% chance it is not a virus. So, try using this: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/hash_my_files.html (other software also works, if you have one) to check the hash code. My Cameyo beta version is 2.5.1060beta, with a MD5 code e7164a90fd2aaa97a1fd02bc298bd937 and SHA1 code a7f7a333115065bbd5d614c249efc15be16673b4. Are they same as those of you?
Hi... see this:
================================================== Filename : Cameyo.exe MD5 : e7164a90fd2aaa97a1fd02bc298bd937 SHA1 : a7f7a333115065bbd5d614c249efc15be16673b4 CRC32 : ad68de3f SHA-256 : 256c014f01140030c10101534607800590da95982440ce8c1709cc3541cc3391 SHA-512 : 75fd669f7f6bb5d68a2f03ad301132e602078bca639779e6d3a49f2c53f65ff6e0a7ad8df97071bf07f9fa308076614efa54f4f7102e20d5fdacbdfc78569a78 SHA-384 : fc35ed08482613c967b6bd1a533a9f24862fff4ff8e5c5c4a253de2a77fd640b6e867736b8e48f64e55757d567027bb6 Full Path : C:\temp8\Cameyo.exe Modified Time : 27/06/2013 9:50:42 Created Time : 27/06/2013 9:51:00 File Size : 18.035.355 File Version : Product Version : Identical : Extension : exe File Attributes : A ==================================================
See this. I use StubExe.exe as an example. VirusTotal is a famous website that provides file scanning service with different anti-virus engines. https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c0bfbea6263bc159f20549135df44dda9cd308652b9c49daa8df5d572a332bb3/analysis/ There are some well-known engines such as Kaspersky, AntiVir, F-Secure, BitDefender, Fortinet and Avast. If none or only one of these engines reports your file as virus, you can be rest assured that there is no such "virus". It is save if the result is less than 5 out of 47 for other engine.