The problem appears when the application start to show a form that containt tishare6.dll. It says "specified module not found".
It seems that the dll is not registered yet. When I copy the dll to c:\windows\system32 and run regsvr32 c:\windows\system32 egsvr32 tishare6.dll then the problem dissapear.
The question is how can I register the dll automatically within cameyo ?
Try dragging your package to the command line, add a space, -exec regsvr32, add a space, and drag your dll to the command line, so it might look like this: "C:\Documents and Settings\benk2trib\Desktop\myoldvb6app.cameyo.exe" -exec regsvr32 "C:\Documents and Settings\benk2trib\Desktop\tishare6.dll"
If you get succeeded message, see if using your package works the way it should.