I'm new to Cameyo; I've played with the trial and am mighty impressed. I have a new Win 7 laptop, planning to install dual-boot with Win 8. I expect to be using both7 & 8 for a while. My main objective is to install and maintain my apps only once. So my naive questions:
How does it work with a second O/S? I presume I virtualize the apps under Win7, then install Win8. What do I have to do to access the apps under Win8?
Please confirm, settings and other changes to the Apps will stay with the virtual Apps so that when I switch OS's, I will have the same settings, templates, data locations etc.
Can I install Cameyo and all the Apps on a third drive or partition? I have two objectives:\
Keep the O/S partitions as clean as possible for maintenance.
Reduce the necessary disk space on the O/S partitions.
Can I use the same virtualized apps under Win Server 2012? Yes, for lab work I will be triple-booting.
1. Not much. But if you wish to keep the persistent DATA of these apps, then I suggest you configure your apps to store data beneath the executable's dir (see Package Editor). 2. Yes, but see #1. By default the settings dir (called "VOS") is saved in AppData, so you probably want to modify this as stated above. 3. I suppose you mean "run", not "install" :) Of course you can.