Hi all,in recentyears, Ilike to makemyapplicationsespecially fortheportableuseanotherpcwithout dirtyingthesystem.
Lately I'venoticedan increasing number ofapplications that leveragetheHARDAREIDthat prevent theirmigrationto different hardware.
This is a problembecauseCameyo,ThinApp, SpoonApplicationvirtualizationstudio, etc....do exactly that.
The result is thatthe virtualized applicationson a PCdo not work onothersbecause they recognizethat theHOSTis differentfrom the original.
Two importantexamples areAutoCAD andthe Adobe suite.
I know thatthese programshave a complexlicense agreementto usebut if one daythe HARDWAREIDdovesserebe used byMozillafor its applications, for exampleasyou canmake itportablefirefox
I would like toclarifytwo points.It isimportant to noteif you violatethe license agreementor not, butit is important tounderstandifCameyocan createportableapplicationswith the HARDWAREID
Thanks for the info. In general, programs use the HARDWARE ID to protect against illegal copy (I see no other reason why they would use it). App Virtualization programs (or at least Cameyo) is not intended to help piracy. I wouldn't be worried about this phenomenon spreading, and I believe this will remain the case only for copy-protected software. I don't see why other apps such as Mozilla etc would do the same.