i've my version of "Toad for Oracle" that i would like to make portable to use on pc where i cannot install it so i tryed cameyo package.
Everithing works when i start the portable version of Toad from usb, because the %appdata% directories are built inside usb but when i copy the folder on the desktop pc (cannot run from usb)
i've problems because the portable version try to create %appdata% directories in the user of the desktop pc (and i'm not allowed to do this)
i tried to use one option in the cameyo package that tell the executable to built the %appdata% directories in the same directory where the .exe lies but when i run the %appdata% directories are right created but the launcher tell me that some files could not be deployed.
Use package editor to open the package, than export/save %Appdata% Folder on your desktop.
Now Create Emty Folder inside the package Following..
C_\Users\{Users} ( it's should be that 'username' You Created package from the computer). Now import apdata Folder into users. save the package.
Delete reg.VOS & VOS folder from the system. Restart the program.
If package show's "deploy error"
Don't try, this way. create new package on clean systems ☺️.