Norton Safe Web has analyzed for safety and security problems. Below is a sample of the threats that were found.
Computer Threats: 1
Identity Threats: 0
Annoyance factors: 0
Total threats on this site: 1
The Norton rating is a result of Symantec's automated analysis system. Learn more. The opinions of our users are reflected separately in the community rating on the right.
VirusTotal reports as clean, detection ration of 0/64. See here.
We would appreciate it if you report the false positive to Norton. False positive reports are individually analyzed instead of using reputation or behavior, so it benefits Norton, Norton's users, as well as Cameyo and our users.
That reporting procedure acts fast!! I didn't even have to complete the 3 question form. Just went back to the same Cameyo website that had the error yesterday, and now there is no alarm message. Someone must have reported the problem before I did.