My application has been built with Cameyo and mostly works. It works fine on my completely vanilla windows 7 test machine. We occasionally have users where it fails. One user is running windows 7, another 2012 R2 server.
The virtualised application is Progress WebClient. The application works fine until it reaches the point where it uses an ActiveX. It seems to then not be able to find the ActiveX. The ActiveX is integrated and virtualised within the Cameyo application. If I manually copy the ActiveX to the SysWOW64 directory, but don't register it, then it works fine. I have captured Cameyo logs of both a success and fail.
Thanks for the reply. We could manually register the ActiveX controls but that defeats the point of using Cameyo. i.e. We are using Cameyo in order to solve registration issues, mostly permission issues. Strictly isolated does not work as the application writes temporary files, the user needs access to other directories and we save things to the registry such as screen positions.
I have a little more information about my problem that you may find useful. It appears (although I am not certain) that the machines where my issue occurs have recently had a windows update installed. I know that there is a forum message about this and I am using Cameyo-3.1.1424.exe which is the advice in the forum but this has not solved the problem with my active-x's.
We are still testing but at the moment I think that we have a solution. The problems for us seem to be around the SysWOW64 directory. Our capture machine was 32bit so activex controls were registered in the c:\windows\system32 - %System%. I assumed (incorrectly I think) that Cameyo would virtualize these in the c:\windows\SysWOW64 if the deployment machine was 64 bit. In the latest version of Cameyo there is a %SysWOW64% virtual directory - This does not seem to be documented. So I tried copying my activex controls into there but that did not work. Cameyo also advised me to do a new capture using the latest version. I think that the Windows update has affected this somehow. To get it to work I placed and registered the activex controls in the same virtual directory as the executable thus bypassing any issues with System32/SysWOW64.