In the virtual machine, Press Ctrl+Shift+Ins to open task manager. Go to File > Run (Open). In the window that comes up, type cmd.exe and press ok. In Command Prompt, type "ipconfig" and press enter. Find your "Ethernet0" connection and write down it's ip address. Now outside of your virtual machine by pressing Ctrl+Alt, go to Edit > Virtual Network Editor. If you are not running Workstation as administrator, you will have to click "Change Settings" in the bottom right. If you don't see it then continue to the next step. From the list, select your "NAT" connection, then click "Nat Settings". Click the Add button. Select your Host Port, where services outside the virtual machine will use to communicate. Designate if it is TCP or UDP. Type the IP address you wrote down earlier in Virtual Machine IP Address. Set the Virtual Machine Port to the port you where services inside the virtual machine will use to communicate. This can normally be the default port. Finally add a description. If unsure, for example TCP 80, I would type "TCP 80". A simple description. Do this for all ports you need to forward and then save by pressing ok.
Also, outside the virtual machine, go to VM > Settings. Select your network adapter and change your Network Connection to NAT. Press ok. Otherwise ports won't work.
I am using VMware Workstation 12. Ik there is a bug with the latest version where port forwarding is essentially broken. You will need to use a previous version. I can confirm version 12.0.1 build-3160714 works. (Help > About VMware Workstation)