Hi im new to the App world and created many useful apps that I run from USB on my travels, but I have noticed I am unable to save directly to the USB when using the Apps, If I save to the desktop I can then copy to the USB. But if I just go file save (USB) in that program my file will show but once exited and you explore the USB there will be no saved files. I only encounter this problem with cameyo packaged apps.
Does anyone know if this is a error on my behalf or if there is a work around to solve the problem.
Currently, your USB drive is Isolated, so all files written to that drive letter are actually going to the Sandbox.
Open your package with Package Editor and click the Files tab. Add empty folder and name it E_ if your USB drive letter is E:. Change Folder Isolation of E_ to Full access. (Tip: if you don't want the package to have access to the root of the USB drive, you can Add empty folder within E_ and give Full access to the subfolder, keeping E_ Isolated.) If your USB drive letter varies and is sometimes E, sometimes F, sometimes G, add all three to your package individually, i.e. E_, F_, G_, giving Full access to each.