I'm having problem virtualising this strange program called RPG Maker VX Ace! It consist of a folder located in /Program Files (x86)/ and another in /Program Files (x86)/Common Files/ wich cannot me moved and contain the editor textures and all that kind of stuff
So I tried tu virtualise it the normal way by uninstalling it then do the whole process to re-install it but at the end either it says "lol da langayje DLL kannot B found" or "lulz missing the programmz RTP xD" ... when both of them are present
So have someone an idea because I 'm getting desperate...
At what point do you see errors, i.e. what is it you are doing within the virtualized RPG Maker that causes errors to appear?
I am unfamiliar with the program and will have to be guided step by step. I can launch the package without error. I can also create a New Project, save it, and open it. I didn't try anything else.