I built a virtual application from a demo version of my program written in C++ and developed with C++Builder.
There are no registry keys, no dll's, an ini file, a help file (chm) and some data files that are loaded by the program. I can install the program in any folder and if all files are in the same folder then the program is working properly. But the virtual app is not working. There are access violations. If I start the virtual app with a command line and the option -SafeMode then all works fine.
Is there a possibility to run the virtual app always in safe mode (I mean not on the command line but double-clicking the exe)? I didn't find a possible setting when I edited the app.
I could write a batch file with the command line but then I have two files (the batch file and the exe) to deploy.
1. Did you try your package in Disk mode? (Using Package Editor, open package and change Virtualization from RAM mode to Disk mode. Save or Save as.)
No, but now I tried it and it works!!! Great !!
2. Did you build your package through the snapshot process, e.g. take system snapshot, "install your program," and take post-installation snapshot; or did you build your package manually through Package Editor by starting with New empty virtual package?
Yes, always by snapshot process. I used a vm (XP SP3 with IE8, it is a test vm from Microsoft). I also tried your online packer.
Is there less overhead if I build my package manually? I tried this with other software (Enigma Virtual Box and BoxedApp Packer) but without success.
-- Edited by Fankhauser Rolf on Tuesday 19th of November 2013 01:33:50 AM
I tried the package with Disk mode on an other computer (virtual machine xp with ie8) and got the following error. Even in safe mode the package doesn't work.
The package with RAM mode works on this machine in safe mode but not in normal mode.
-- Edited by Fankhauser Rolf on Tuesday 19th of November 2013 02:12:30 AM
1. Did you try your package in Disk mode? (Using Package Editor, open package and change Virtualization from RAM mode to Disk mode. Save or Save as.)
2. Did you build your package through the snapshot process, e.g. take system snapshot, "install your program," and take post-installation snapshot; or did you build your package manually through Package Editor by starting with New empty virtual package?
Please try -Remove parameter, which will delete your sandbox, allowing you to start over. If you have contents in the sandbox that need to be saved, please advise instead of using -Remove. If you have nothing in the sandbox that needs saving, please relaunch package after receiving Success message from -Remove.
Ok, I'm not sure if I exactly understand what's going on. Does -Remove re-create the initial state of the package?
Another problem under Windows 7: The online help doesn't work. The following error appears:
There are two backslashes between Demo and REBEKA. I will check my code if two backslashes are inserted. But it's working on XP and also as normal installation under Windows 7. Could the spaces in the name of the help file "REBEKA DIM Help.chm" cause the error?
If you have run your package and made any configuration changes, they show up in the sandbox, which is by default in %AppData%\%AppID%\CHANGES. Using -Remove will delete the sandbox, so all configuration changes (and any files saved to the sandbox) will be deleted, so yes, the initial state of the package is restored. If you do not mind losing any changes made, please try -Remove parameter, and I think this will fix the Help.chm error, too. If you have made changes that you would like to keep, please let me know and we will use a different sandbox for a single session.
I fixed the error with the help file. I removed one backslash (there is one double backslash) from the path. Then it worked fine. It's strange that this error was only rised in the virtual package but not in a normal installation.
I have now created two package. One runs correctly on XP, the other on W7. But I could not create a package that works for all Windows versions.
For W7 I used the folder %Common AppData% and for XP %Program Files%.
Being part of Cameyo Support, I was able to access your package while it was online. I am not sure it is still available. You can check by logging in here. Other than that, it is not published for public access. If you need me to upload it, please let me know.