I downloaded firefox from Cameyo Online Public Virtual Apps library the other day and it was working fine on my P.C. (Windows 7 Enterprise Service pack 1). But now when I run it I get the following error:
Could not execute C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Error=2, MyPID=5604)
.....I even tried downloading again and running but still get the same error.
Try dragging the package to the command line, add a space and -Remove, e.g. it might look like this: Firefox.cameyo.exe -Remove
After you receive the successful message, try launching the package again.
Caveat: if there is anything you want to keep, e.g. saved webpages, downloads, etc, copy or move them from the sandbox before following the instruction above. The -Remove parameter empties the sandbox.
Why would this happen in the first place though? I had the same issue with the Paint.NET program that I downloaded (and the same action fixed it). I don't want to have to repeatedly go through the "-remove" action, particularly for firefox as I'll lose any extensions/add-ons that I add....
The next time this happens, please do the following to help us investigate the problem:
1. If your package is set to Leave no registry traces, skip this step. If your package is not set to Leave no registry traces, use -Remove:reg parameter, which will move what was written to the registry to a file in the sandbox, e.g. from the command line: Firefox.cameyo.exe -Remove:reg
2. Upload your package and the entire sandbox to a file-hosting site. Default location for sandbox is %AppData%\VOS\Application ID, e.g. %AppData%\VOS\Firefox, so you would upload Firefox.cameyo.exe and the Firefox directory located in %AppData%\VOS
3. Post the link to the forum or send it to me via Private Message
In the meantime, you can use -Repackage parameter to save a new package that will include everything in the sandbox, thereby saving your Firefox Add-ons. Documentation here.
OK, thanks for your help I will do this, if this happens again.
I've got a theory that the issue may be somehow due to the default location of the sandbox and the fact that I am using a roaming profile (Win 7). I've made a change now so the firefox camyeo'd app's VOS location is pointing somewhere else. I'll see how I go.
Thanks again
mule wrote:
The next time this happens, please do the following to help us investigate the problem:
1. If your package is set to Leave no registry traces, skip this step. If your package is not set to Leave no registry traces, use -Remove:reg parameter, which will move what was written to the registry to a file in the sandbox, e.g. from the command line: Firefox.cameyo.exe -Remove:reg
2. Upload your package and the entire sandbox to a file-hosting site. Default location for sandbox is %AppData%\VOS\Application ID, e.g. %AppData%\VOS\Firefox, so you would upload Firefox.cameyo.exe and the Firefox directory located in %AppData%\VOS
3. Post the link to the forum or send it to me via Private Message
In the meantime, you can use -Repackage parameter to save a new package that will include everything in the sandbox, thereby saving your Firefox Add-ons. Documentation here.