I am trying to use the SDK (via the PackageAPI.cs class) to create a simple cameyo package. I use .Create() followed by a few calls to .AddFile(), then .SetProperty() to set AutoLaunch to my app's .exe startup program, then .SetIcon() also pointing to my app's .exe file, then .Save(). Everything completes, and a .cameyo.exe is produced.
However...when I try to run the cameyo.exe, I get a message saying that "Windows cannot find 'C:\Temp\CameyoMenu.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
If I use cameyo package editor to create the same package using identical settings, it works fine.
I left out that I am calling .Close() right after the call to .Save(). I can't post any code, so that is why I am describing what I am doing step-by-step.
Does anyone have a known working example of using the PackageAPI.cs interface for package creation? I can't find much on "the googles" for this product, yet.
Can you show the lines where you call the Addfile and SetProperties?
ps: with regards to a sample, I suppose you've already looked at the documentation sample (http://www.cameyo.com/sdk/creating_a_virtual_package_fro.htm) ?
No, I can't upload it. Is there a way to determine why it is referencing CameyoMenu.exe when I create the package with the .cs api vs. UI? I have also used the C++ version of the API to create packages successfully. The only one that has not worked is the C# wrapper version.