Say I have a package that contains multiple different applications that I regularily want to run. If I create a shortcut to the directory of the exe in the VOS folder and run that, then it is not run Virtualized. Is there a way to make a Shortcut that will launch a specific exe from a package through cameyo, meaning it is run virtualized. This would allow me to have shortcuts to all the applications within that package and run them each without having to go through the Cameyo Application list.
1. Create a shortcut that has a target like this: package.cameyo.exe -exec app.exe
2. From the command line, enter package.cameyo.exe -Integrate (this method will make all virtual shortcuts real; file associations become real, too)
3. Use Package Editor to change package's Integration, which is located in Advanced tab. Recreate shortcuts and associations is equivalent to number 2 above.