Just a question, I'm trying to package Rosetta Stone and the post installation snapshot has been running for 18 hours with no sign of stopping. There is disc activity as well so I don't think it is "frozen".
Some questions come to mind regarding your long post-installation snapshot:
1. Are you doing this inside a clean virtual machine?
2. Did you use the computer in which you installed Rosetta Stone for anything else during installation of Rosetta Stone or during the post-installation snapshot? If this is not a clean virtual machine, please advise if there are any programs that could be running in the background.
3. What are your system specs, i.e. OS, RAM, CPU speed?
4. How many discs is Rosetta Stone? Also, what language is it?
Packaging inside clean VM is not absolutely necessary; however, it's the way to go to ensure getting the leanest package possible and reduce possible conflicts. This is the order I recommend using for creating Cameyo packages:
1. Online Packager You don't need a virtual machine to use Cameyo's Virtual App Builder if your application can be installed silently, i.e. without any input during the installation procedure.
2. clean virtual machine Most people use VMware Player, VirtualBox, Windows Virtual PC if your host is Win7, or Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 if your host is XP or Vista to run a virtual machine. You will need to install an Operating System on the virtual machine, preferably XP unless you have no plans of using your packages in XP.
1) I tried once to leave my PC alone, during packaging. I did not work. Is it usefull to stop firewall-, virus- and other software, like a screensaver?
2) About the need to install an OS on a virtual machine: can I use the Windows7-install-disk I used for my actual PC.??
3) I tried to make a package of the OCR-software 'freeocr.exe', using the GhostCapture-option. I used the proper command-line in CMD.EXE, and got a windows-error: 'Could not execute freeocr.exe (Error=2, MyPID=572)'. Makes any sense to you??
If you must package on a system that has other programs installed, then yes, it is helpful to stop all unnecessary programs that run in the background.
As far as using the same disc to install in a virtual machine as you have installed on your host, Microsoft would want you to have a separate license for each. I won't report you though. I'm pretty sure that many home users with virtual machines don't have all of them licensed. Whether licensed or not, the virtual machine should be kept as lean and clean as possible, meaning it should stay offline and you should get only the updates that you absolutely need, e.g. .NET for certain programs you want to package.
By freeocr, are you talking about version 4.2 from here? I was able to package it using -GhostCapture with no problem. Your error looks like something went wrong with the packaging process. You received it by launching the created package, yes? I mean, you didn't get that error during the -GhostCapture process, did you? Please upload your freeOCR package somewhere and I'll take a look to try to see what got in the way.
If you know branches of your Registy or parts of your computer that this package will not go inside you can always edit the packager.xml (Located in the VOS area of Cameyo) file to reduce the amount of data your looking up.
Just my 2 cents as for me I was able to reduce the load by blocking useless areas.